5 things to consider when buying blinds

When it comes to your home, windows are the, well, windows to its soul. So if it’s time to treat your home to a facelift, choosing blinds is an important part of that process. Before you start perusing warehouses and showrooms, there are a few things you should know about shopping for blinds Dubai. Know what you’re looking for The Dubai blinds is, well, blinding. Check out any warehouse or showroom and you’ll find myriad choices available. Plantation shutters, mini blinds, roller shades, vertical blinds — the list goes on and on. To narrow your search, think about where your blinds will be installed. If your blinds will go in a bedroom, you’ll want to ensure you’re buying room-darkening blinds. Smaller slat blinds close more tightly, ensuring less light escaping into your room. To save money on your energy bill, Budget Blinds recommends honeycomb shades, which “cells” built in to keep air from escaping or entering into your home. It is important to call a professiona...